Licence of supplying service of accessing individual Internet
Regard to consultant service of applying for a permission for accessing individual Internet. We will consult necessary conditions and documents that customers have to supply
Conditions of issuing a license of accessing individual Internet:
- Having no business aim of Internet accessing services
- Objects which use internet services are member of two and more agencies, organizations, enterprises that have the same operations and aim of work and combine each other via the operation charters or document on framework of common organization or united forms and common operation of members.
Necessary documents:
- Document on issuing a licence is made 3 sets (1 set is the original, 2 sets are duplicated). Each set of document includes:
- Application for a licence
- Copy of decision on establishment or operation licence or certificate of business registration of enterprise;
- Charters of operating organization or document on regulating functions, rights and obligations of enterprise;
- Document on accepting units, enterprises to participate in services of supplying Internet ( If any)
- Projects on supplying services within 5 years
The order of procedures:
- Ministry of Post and Telecommunication will carry out assessing and issuing a licence or refuse to issue a licence within 30 days from the date of receiving valid documents;
- In case of refusing to issue a licence, Ministry of Post and Telecommunication shall be responsible for replying in written form, in which clearly shows the reasons for refusal
Time limit for returning documents: 30 days
(Bac Viet Luat LawFirm)

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