Licence of setting up individual telecommunications network
The target of issuing licence for setting up individual telecommunications network is to manage individual telecommunications network used by internal members except for business aims
Necessary documents: documents on issuing a licence of setting up individual telecommunications network include 3 sets( 1 set is the original, 2 sets are the duplicate). Each document includes:
- Application for a licence of setting up individual telecommunications network. Proposed document of Ministry of Foreign Affairs is compulsory for diplomatic representative agencies, foreign consulates and representative agencies of international organizations in Vietnam that enjoy the incentive rights, except for diplomatic agencies and consulates;
- Decision on establishment and operation licence of agencies, organizations or certificate of business registration of enterprises applied for a permission;
- Operation charters or legal documents in which regulate structure of organizations or linked forms, common operations among members ( if any);
- Project on setting up network, in which clearly shows: the aims of setting up network; configuration of network; kind of equipments; using services; members of network( if any); scope of operation; using technology, frequency, code, using number ( if any);
The order of procedures:
- Ministry of Post and Telecommunications carries out the assessment and issue of a licence or refuses issuing a licence within 30 days from the date of receiving valid documents;
- In case of not issuing a licence, Ministry of Post and Telecommunications shall be responsible for replying in written form, in which clearly shows the reasons of refusal;
- In case of having arisen problems that must be assessed again, time limit for licence can be lasted further but over 45 days from the date of receiving valid documents;
Some of supplemental information:
Modify and supplement contents of license:
- Agencies, organizations and enterprises licensed which want to modify and implement configuration of network, forms of services, scope of operation of network have to send document on modification and supplementation to Ministry of telecommunications and post;
- Document on applying for modification and supplementation includes: Application for modification and supplementation; detail description of modification and supplementation; other related documents on modification and supplementation; valid copy of licence;
- Ministry of telecommunications and Post will assess and license or refuse to licence modification and supplementation within 15 days from the date of receiving valid documents;
- In case of refusing to issue a licence, Ministry of Telecommunications and Post shall be responsible for replying in written form, in which clearly shows the reasons of refusal
Time limit for returning documents: from 30 days to 45 days
(Bac Viet Luat LawFirm)

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