Consulting Service on International Commercial Legal Cases in Trading
BacViet Luat Law Firm would like to provide our customers with the Consulting Services on International Commercial Contracts.
We consult all issues related to International Commercial Cases (such as anti-dumping, anti-subsidizing or self- defending solutions)
Contents of Consulting Service:
- Consult, support enterprises in the outside International Commercial Legal Cases (include anti – dump, anti – subsidize, or self defense) on Vietnamese goods or on imported goods in Vietnam as well as other related issues.
- Develop directly or guide the associations or enterprise communities to develop the activities to raise awareness, response skills, or activities in the International Commercial Legal Cases
- Consult to Integration Vietnamese Enterprise about International Commercial Environment.
- Consult all methods, action orientation, and support the enterprise associations, Vietnamese Enterprise Groups to develop the effective solutions used to prevent from, cope with and deal with, and minimize influences in international commercial legal cases on Vietnamese exported goods in foreign countries.
- Consult all methods, action orientation, and support Enterprise Groups to develop solutions to petition for request to apply the anti-dumping, anti-subsidizing or self- defending solutions on goods which were imported in Vietnam. All solutions must be suited with Vietnamese Law.
- Provide information, propagate law and the fact about the legal cases to enterprise associations and communities have the right awareness about the substance and impacts of anti-dumping, anti-subsidizing or self- defending solutions in international commerce
- Consult, provide information an carry out the other supports for Government in the procedures on anti – dump, anti – subsidize or self defense.
- Carry out the researches, investigations and other activities relating to commercial legal cases in Vietnam and the world.
- Join in conferences, domestic and international workshops on issues related to anti-dumping, anti-subsidizing or self- defending solutions;
- Consult and provide Vietnamese Industrial and Commercial Department about information related to anti-dumping, anti-subsidizing or self- defending solutions;
- Carry out the specific analysis about situation, information and related ability to propose Council with reasonable consultants in every specific situation.
- Support Council to carry out supervision and supporting for enterprise association and communities in process on developing Council’s consultants.
- Support Council to carry out the functions, responsibilities of Council, Members of Technical Supporting Board who are the experts that have knowledge, skill, experience relate to anti – dump legal cases.
(Bac Viet Luat LawFirm)

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