Consulting service of dissolution of company of Bac Viet Luat
Consulting service of dissolution of company of Bac Viet Luat
Our consulting service of dissolution of company will bring you assurance of quality and guarantee of law. The content of works that our lawyers commit to carry out:
- 1. Consult regulation of law on dissolution of company
- Consult cases of dissolution of company;
- Consult method of oganizing the meeting of council members/ shareholders of company on the dissolution of company;
- Consult method of making a decision on dissolution;
- Consult method of sending report on dissolution to related organizations and individuals: creditors, people that have related rights, obligations and benefits, labour;
- Consult procedures on putting an advertisement in the paper about dissolution;
- Consult method of carrying out the liquidation of assets of enterprises;
- Consult procedures on tax code registration;
- Consult procedures on comfirming to close bank account( if any account) or comitting not to open bank account;
- Consult procedures on cancellation of stamp using and return certificate of registration of stamp sample;
- Consult procedures on returning certificate of business registration;
- 2. Lawyers of Bac Viet Luat will finish documents on dissolution of enterprise:
- Mininutes of the meeting of dissolution;
- Decision on dissolution;
- Announce dissolution;
- Official documents on confirming to have no debt of tax at Department of Customs;
- Official documents on confirming to close bank account or to commit not to open bank account;
- Official documents on announcing dissolution sent to tax department and official documents on proposing tax balance;
- Other related documents;
- 3. Scope of working implementation of lawyers of Bac Viet Luat:
- Consult and draft documents that related to dissolution of company;
- Represent enterprise to submit documents at Department of business registration;
- Co-operate with enterprises to conduct procedures on returning stamp at Police;
- Represent enterprises to receive confirmation of returning stamp of police;
- Represent enterprises to receive answers of result of documents;
- Represnt enterprises to receive the result of dissolution;
- Draft related procedures for enterprise to close tax code at tax department and bank account at bank;
(Bac Viet Luat LawFirm)

Ad: G3, Vinhomes Greenbay, Me Tri, Cau Giay District, Ha Noi City
Tel: (+ 84) 938188889 – (+ 84) 1686319999)
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