Applying for publishing newsletters, documents, broadcast on electronic display for foreign agencies and organizations, foreign legal entities in Vietnam
Server of issuing cultural licence is to manage and control activities of publishing new- letters, documents and issuing press announcement; transmitting new-letters electronic screen for foreign agencies and organizations as well as foreign legal entities in Vietnam;
The conditions to issue a licence:
For foreign representative agencies:
- There are people that are responsible for publishing new-letters, documents; leaflets and issuing press release;
- Confirm information contents, information aims, publishing dead-line, size, number of pages, quantity, the place of printing, serving objects of new-letters, documents,leaflets, press release;
- There are official head- offices and necessary conditions that guaranteed for publishing new-letters, documents, leaflets and press release;
For foreign organizations, legal entities:
- Legal activities in Vietnam;
- There are people that are responsible for publishing new-letters, documents; leaflets, press release; skill of information management;
- Confirm information contents, information aims, publishing dead-line, size, number of pages, quantity, the place of printing, serving objects of new-letters, documents, press release matching to activity functions and missions of foreign delegation within the framework of regulations of diplomatic law of Socialist Republic of Vietnam
For international conference in Vietnam:
- Agreement of competent agencies of Communist Party and Socialist Republic of Vietnam on conference organization
- There are people that are responsible for publishing new-letters, documents; leaflets and press release;
- Confirm information contents, information aims, publishing dead-line, size, number of pages, quantity, the place of printing, serving objects of new-letters, documents, press release matching to function, scope of international conference that is accepted by authorized agencies of Communist Party and Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
- Application for issuing a permission according to regulated form of Ministry of Culture and Information
- Approved documents of Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Drafts, forms of documents, leaflets and press release.
For foreign organizations, legal entities:
- Application for issuing a permission according to regulated form of Ministry of Culture and Information
- Notarised copy of investment licence, licence of setting up representative office and documents of competent state agencies of Socialist Republic of Vietnam and confirmation of legal operations in Vietnam of agencies, organization that stand for a licence;
- Drafts, forms of documents, leaflets and press release

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